Catherine Gasquoine Hartley, nada en Antananarivo (Madagascar) en 1866 ou 1867 e finada en Guildford o 9 de xuño de 1928, foi unha escritora e historiadora da arte británica.
Entre as súas obras destacan Pictures in the Tate Gallery (1904), A Record of Spanish Painting (1904), The Weaver’s Shuttle (1905), Spain Revisited: a Summer Holiday in Galicia (1911), The Cathedrals of Southern Spain (1913), The Position of Women in Primitive Society (1914), Motherhood and the Relationships of the Sexes (1917), Woman’s Wild Oats: Essays on the Re-fixing of Moral Standards (1919), Divorce (Today and Tomorrow) (1921),Mind of the Naughty Child (1923) e Women, Children, Love and Marriage.